Enablers, methodologies, and challenges

Online presentation: Localization in 5G and Beyond

02. 10

NNF is happy to host an online presentation entitled Localization in 5G and Beyond: enablers, methodologies, and challenges.

The talk will be given by Henk Wymeersch who is Professor in Communication Systems with the Department of Electrical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

The seminar will take place on Thursday October 22nd at 15:00 Swedish/Norwegian time via Zoom (the link will be distributed later).

The seminar is open for everybody interested in the topic.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to this first online seminar arranged by the Nordic Institute of Navigation.


As communication systems move to higher frequencies and start harnessing technologies such as meta-surfaces, the relation between positioning, sensing, and communication become tighter than ever. In this talk, we will cover some of the main technological enablers for 5G and Beyond 5G localization, and propose an algorithmic framework for localization and mapping. Finally, a variety challenges will be highlighted, which we must account for when designing radio localization systems.

A recording of the presentation is available here: https://uwasa.zoom.us/rec/share/wJy3VGW0hEL_hNVO6UGikMEE3_FU0gI0J1YThPkBM0wxtKOcuc0-libwQUi1y4Qq.OXKuQvL_xU4t4f2u



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