The NNF Prize for
Best Nordic Master Thesis in the Area of Navigation & Positioning 2018
The Nordic Institute of Navigation awards a prize for the best master thesis in the area of navigation and positioning to a student (or students working together) who has been enrolled in a master programme at a university in the Nordic countries and who during 2018 has completed a thesis project of high quality in a topic relevant to the NNF.
Beyond the honour and recognition of the importance of the thesis work, the prize also includes 5000 Norwegian Kroner. If the thesis project has been performed by several students, the prize money is divided equally between the students.
The theses are judged on their engineering skills and scientific level, but also on how they are presented. Students shall nominate their own thesis to compete for the prize, and a prize jury will award the winning thesis. NNF reserves the right to not award the prize.
Assessment criteria
The basic criterion is that the subject of the completed and passed thesis must be within an area of interest to the NNF. Theses which fulfil this basic criterion are then judged by the following criteria:
Engineering skills and scientific level:
Presentation of the thesis project:
Application instructions
Students shall nominate their own thesis to compete for the prize according to the following instructions:
The winner will be notified directly by the jury in May 2019 and will be announced at the general assembly of the Nordic Institute of Navigation in June 2019. The winner will also be announced on the web site of the Institute.